Friday 24 August 2012


It's so easy to be overwhelmed when you are just stepping into a place for the first time. Either you will be there for a few days or you are going to be there for a while, it could really be an uphill task when all you have around are not faces that you are familiar with. It could get worse as well if you are not the outgoing and shake any environment type. Regardless of your personality traits, you can unlock the mystery doors of any new place by using some tips:

  • It's in the mind: You should realize that solving any problem first starts with solving it with your mind. Learn to challenge yourself by thinking that I can be comfortable in this place. Regardless of what you see or will experience later, be upbeat and feel at ease about it in your mind.
  • The people you are seeing now started just like you: Oh Yes! You may be shocked to realize that maybe 75% of the new faces you are seeing even started a week before you did. Even if they've been there for years, there was a first time for them as well. Think about it: the owner of the business too was new in the place several years ago.
  • Learn the culture of the place: You can learn the culture of the place by observing and listening. Look out for the things they do, watch their steps, listen to their conversations. Now you don't necessarily have to be in their face to do these things but you can do them while you are seating where you are. In essence, be aware of your environment.
  • Ask questions: You will not learn fully if you do not ask questions. If someone tells you not to move a seat from a particular spot, do not move the seat but privily go to the person later and ask why you were not supposed to move the seat. When you ask questions, you will learn more.
  •  Show you care: When you are new, people may not always want to bother you with stuff but you will endear yourself to them if you show you care. Offer to help them do things and they will be there for you when you need them.
  • Look out for the Aces to learn from them: In any place, there are people who make things happen and there are people who accept the things that happen. The Aces are those who make things happen. Am not talking about the "noise makers". They could even be the most quiet in the whole place but if you are on the lookout, within a few days you will know who they are. Remember it's not about how much noise they are making, it's about the impact they are having.
  • Be a friend of all: This skill can save you a whole lot of trouble in a new place. Try to learn as much as you can about everyone in the place and try to be there for everyone. Simple greetings and asking about their welfare should help you with this. Do not worry if they step on you along the way. Just remember the goal: you want to get as close as possible so that when you need anything from the person, you will get it.
  • Avoid the troublesome ones: Even when you are a friend of all, there are people you should not allow to influence your approach to issues. What you may not know is that everybody likes to have a partner and a confidant and this includes the troublesome ones. You can be their confidant but never be their partner. You are just starting so you do not want the others to alienate you simply because you are a partner of an "X".
  • Do your part: If for any reason, a task is assigned to you, please do it. Never shy away from any task. If you do not know how to go about it, ask the person who assigned it to you or the Ace you identified earlier.
I hope you have been able to learn a new thing. If you follow the steps highlighted above, am sure not too long from now, you will be fully established in that new place and you will be getting things done seamlessly. If there are other ways you have been using to survive in a new setting, please share them with us.

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